Fiscal incentives

The Law for Economic Development of Sinaloa is the legal instrument designed by the state government and CODESIN, whose objective is to promote the comprehensive economic advancement of the state by encouraging policies that stimulate investments and jobs permanently.
The benefits that this law contemplates are the deductions of local and state contributions through the COPROFIES (Certificate for the Fiscal Promotion of the State of Sinaloa).

Who can request COPROFIES?

Individuals that are established or will be vested in the entity, and that fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Make an investment of 300,000 or more UDI’s and/or. ($93,729.00 USD)
  2. Generate at least 16 new permanent jobs.

Also, other individuals may be worthy of these fiscal incentives, such as individuals at a micro industrial level, alternative tourism projects and those with projects that support the advancement of historic centers that adhere to the following:

  1. Make an investment of 50,000 or more UDI’s and/or. (15,622.00 USD)
  2. Generate at least 5 new permanent jobs.

(Article 25 and 25 Bis of the Law for the Promotion of Investments).

How to apply? Requirements

The individuals that fulfill with the investment and jobs conditions stated in article 25 or 25 BIS must present a written application form before the Secretary of Economy of Sinaloa or the City Council in the approved format (art. 35), who will then submit the application to the ruling commission for its approval or rejection.

            It is necessary to hand in 3 files with the following information:

– Request form.

– Executive Summary of the Project addressed to the Ruling Commission of Fiscal Stimulus of the State of Sinaloa, in attention to Javier Lizárraga Mercado, Secretary of Economy, signed by the Legal Representative, and must contemplate the following information:

  • General description of the project.
  • Detailed location.
  • Land Registry of the Property or properties.
  • Amount of the investment to be made (they will not be subject to CEPROFIES investments of dates prior to 120 days from the date of the request).
  • Starting and completion dates of the project.
  • Permanent and temporary jobs that will be generated will not be subject to CEPROFIES jobs registered prior to 120 days from the date of the application.
  • Employees currently insured in the IMSS (already established companies).
  • Reports of all the CEPROFIES previously granted when appropriate.
  • • Support requested in accordance with the Law.

Training Scholarship Program

This program is aimed at unemployed people age 16 and over. It is given at the request of companies that require trained personnel for a specific activity or position.


  • Training scholarship of 1 to 3 minimum daily wage *for each day that a course is attended.
  • Transportation support of $400.00 MXP per month.
  • Duration of course from 1 to 3 months.
  • Groups of up to 30 people maximum.
  • It is offered at the participating company’s facility.

Benefits for the company:

  • Savings in salaries as well as in social security during the training course.
  • They train and develop a scholarship holder according to the needs of the company.

* Minimum daily salary: $88.36 MXP.

    Types of Training Scholarships

    Mixed Training

    This modality supports the individual so that the person can fill a vacant job, prior accreditation of a practical training course with a duration of one to three months.


    During the training period, you will be entitled to the following benefits:

    • Economic support of one to three minimum monthly wages.
    • Payment of materials and instructors salaries.
    • Support for transportation.
    • Accident insurance and basic medical services.
    • Proof that accredits work practice.
    • Possibility of being hired.

    These are some of the courses that have been taught in this modality:

    1. General assistant.
    2. Industrial sewing.
    3. Assembly of automotive parts.
    4. Assembly of Mechatronic equipment.
    5. Assembly of medical equipment and equipment.
    6. Machines and tools.
    7. Operator of industrial sewing machines.
    8. Welding.
    9. Sales and customer service.
    10. Motor assembly.

    Training in Work Practice

    This modality supports young people between 16 and 29 years of age so that, with the personalized advice of an instructor, they can generate their first work experience through their productive occupation in companies.


    By being accepted into the training program, you will be entitled to the following benefits:

    • Economic support of one to three monthly minimum wages.
    • Payment of materials and instructors salaries.
    • Support for transportation.
    • Accident insurance and basic medical services.
    • Proof that accredits work practice.
    • Possibility of being hired.